Sunday, June 22, 2008

A nod for our T shirt project

Hey all Martial Artists...

Finally the man had spoken. Master Edward gave his approval to go on with out t shirt project. But before that, he will be showing his design in which he had done a moment ago. (hopefully he'll remember to bring this coming Sunday)

If all members gave their yes-es on the design, then we'll set up a committee to monitor the printing charges, printing and etc. In this case, perhaps Melody can help do it, since you have all the materials and contacts. Thanks.

We'll see how the design goes and then we'll plan our next move. Till then, take care!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

T shirt, again

To Melody,

Wey, please don't flood the comments la... you ar... it's enough when you leave only ONE comment. Have your say then just reply yes or not. Don't go flood with all your messages. I know you're excited, but please don't flood it. Count how many time I say flood. Again, please no flooding. Leave only ONE important comment.

Okay people, the main topic.

We have like about or close to 10 seniors, right? My suggestion is that all these seniors should at least buy one t shirt. (better if you can buy two. hehe...) We need at least 10 people (or more) supporting this t shirt thingy, so we can then present this idea to Master Edward. If less people are supporting, then might as well say "bye bye" to the t shirt project. We need SUPPORT, people! So, drop me those yes-es now. And only ONE yes per ONE person.

About the design. If you guys/gals don't mind, I can ask my friend's help in designing the t shirt. She's really good at this. She designed my club's t shirt and have created alot of buntings, banners, etc for college purposes. She's the Head of Designer in my club. But of course, anyone can submit their ideas/suggestion/ design in as well. Will notify the due date for submission as soon as Master Edward gives this idea a green light.

Stay clicking, as more updates will be posted. Till then, stay safe everyone!

-Peace out-

Sunday, June 15, 2008

T- shirt of our own

Melody was suggesting to me this morning, that should we have our own t shitrt that represent our club? The idea was simple but I believe, when we wear it out it will look cool and we sort of like carrying our club's good name and representing our club as a whole.

She said that the t shirt printing is of no charge, but all we have to pay to RM 15 for the T shirt. Meaning we only have to pay for the shirt only, printing is absolutely free. [Correct me if I'm wrong, Melody. ]

Wondering why it's so cheap? Well, the printing company is having their promotion and Melody is their customer!

Do let me know what guys think about the t shirt idea. If possible, we will wear this every sunday to class. Quick! drop me those comments now. Till then, stay safe everyone!

Check this out

Hey there... check this blog out.. it's something similar to our blog, only without an "s"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Taekwondo training

Yo peeps... for starter, join us all for training every Sunday. Details are as follow:

Date: Every Sunday
Time: 8 am till 10am
Location: SK Salak South
Attire: Your own Taekwondo uniform, la... For newly joiny members, wear something comfortable. I.e: Track bottom, and loose shirt.

*please remember to bring along your water tumbler, as you need to replenish after a long training.*

Till then, see you guys/ gals this Sunday!