Sunday, June 22, 2008

A nod for our T shirt project

Hey all Martial Artists...

Finally the man had spoken. Master Edward gave his approval to go on with out t shirt project. But before that, he will be showing his design in which he had done a moment ago. (hopefully he'll remember to bring this coming Sunday)

If all members gave their yes-es on the design, then we'll set up a committee to monitor the printing charges, printing and etc. In this case, perhaps Melody can help do it, since you have all the materials and contacts. Thanks.

We'll see how the design goes and then we'll plan our next move. Till then, take care!

1 comment:

JustMe said...

got a disappointing comment 2 post..
a new management has taken over d company, so dey cancelled their promotion (the one wit buy t-shirt, free printing thingy). he said dat dey were not profitting bcoz dey r not reali well-known. instead dey had 2 cover up 4 their expenses. so, ppl, i reali hope its ok wit u all. i'll try ma level bez 2 get a discount, mayb 5% coz we're buying in bulk.. i wil tel others dis sunday n c how things go. hopefully all wil agree.

Lotz of Love,
Melo signin off